Trilogy with Benny

In this ethnological exploration, I took videos of my younger brother and held interviews with him. The ongoing series follows his journey from adolescence to adulthood, documenting important events in his life. The ultra-orthodox, ad- hering to a distinct sociocultural system, systematically generates a matrix of challenges and cor- responding solutions that affect every aspect of life. This series explores the complexities of the ultra-orthodox community, highl- ighting their distinctive approach to solving problems. This is an ongoing project.

Prayer, 2018 [2:43 min]

The video was filmed at the Western Wall. My fascination with the interplay between the individual in the collective. Millions of people have uttered these words and stood in the same place. Despite the shared experience, there is a distinct personal feel to it. For the sound I collaborated with a secular friend. Even though Hebrew is her mother tongue, she struggled to articulate the words. Her influent way created a distorted language of the prayer. This incoherent language is corresponding to the incoherence in the religion for which people must ask the rabbi for advise.

silk scream, 2023 [3:24 min]

Religion profoundly influences art and aesthetics, providing a powerful source for symbols and expressions in both religious ceremonies and fashion. High fa- shion, reserved for special occasi- ons, turns the wearer into a performer, mirroring the performative nature of religious services. The use of Yiddish sound in this context raises questions, as it is neither German nor easily un- derstood, making the symbolism unclear to those not familiar with the Christian faith. For this video work I collaborated with fashion designer Essie Kramer.

Der ganze Transport [3:24 min]